Farm Fresh Vegetables
The Farm - 6405 W. Williams Rd
Pick-Your-Own Produce
- Summer Squash
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant
- Okra
- Green Chilies, Jalapenos
- Green Beans
- Black-Eye Peas
- Tomatoes
- …and much more
Already Picked Vegetables
- Summer Squash
- Cucumbers
- Tomatoes
- Green Beans
- Green Chilies, Jalapenos
- Watermelon
- Sweet Corn
- Cantaloupe
- …and much more
Harvest Dates
Before you head out to the fields be sure to check our ripening calendar to see what vegetables are ripe for the picking! Some varieties may come in earlier or later in the season depending on the weather.
If you have a certain variety in mind be sure to call our produce hot-line to see what we’re picking today! Call 520-384-2084, Option 1 to check availability.
Sweet Corn
(Available as Already Picked Only)
Apple Annie’s grows the most scrumptious sweet corn anywhere! We grow super sweet bi-color varieties, specially selected for their exceptional sweetness and flavor. Sweet corn is planted every 3-5 days from early April until mid-July, to ensure that we have plenty of this mouth-watering treat available from early July through September.
To make sure that our corn is picked at its peak, our experienced corn pickers select the ripest ears and bring them to the produce barn; the fields are not open for you-pick. We do not grow GMO sweet corn.
The sweet corn is available by the half dozen, Farmer’s dozen (13) and 5 dozen burlap sacks(dependent on quantities available).
Watermelon and Cantaloupe
(Available as Already Picked Only)
All our watermelons (seeded and seedless) and cantaloupes are hand-picked at peak ripeness for the sweetest flavor.

How to Pick Our Produce
Not all produce is available as pick-your-own but may be found in our produce barn!
Bell Peppers
Yellow, Green & Red (in the fall) Bell Peppers
The yellow, Flamingo, peppers are the sweetest. They have a waxy skin and will turn from ivory-yellow to orange red. Green bell peppers eventually turn color to red, and the flavor will mellow. Select for firm peppers with smooth, shiny skin.
Black-eye Peas
(Available for You-Pick Only)
For snapped peas (like green beans), choose pods that are tender and thin. For shelling, select pods that are plump, with tender, green pods. For dried peas, select plump pods that have dried to a light brown. Black-eye Peas are only available for you-pick.
(Fall Only)
Select tightly formed, deep-green heads. Avoid heads that have yellowed. Cut heads off plants with a knife, leaving 4-5 inches of stem on the heads. Fresh picked broccoli is amazingly sweet, and the stalks are tender.
Chili Peppers
Pick the larger, mature chilies as they will be easier to peel. For ease in peeling, roast chilies over a gas flame or on a BBQ grill until the skins have blistered. Put them in a Ziploc bag and cool: peel and use immediately or freeze for later use. Red chili peppers are mature green chilies.
We grow both pickling and slicing cucumbers. For pickling, select cucumbers 2″-6″ long, depending on the type of pickle you are making. Slicing cucumbers can be up to 8″ long. Avoid cucumbers that are yellowed or too large
Select eggplants that are a glossy, deep color, heavy for their size and have unwrinkled skin.
Green Beans
Select beans that are bright green and tender. Snap a bean to make sure it is tender. Avoid tough, leathery and withered beans. Green beans are delicious raw!
Jalapeño Peppers
Select peppers about 4”-5” long. To avoid being burned while working with jalapeño peppers, wear rubber gloves. Our jalapeno peppers are on the hotter side of the Scoville Scale.
Wear gloves and a long-sleeved shirt to pick okra! Select pods that are tender, 2″-5″ long. Avoid long, fat pods unless you are using them for decorations; they will be tough and woody. Tender pods, 2″-4″, are delicious raw! Okra is only available for you-pick.
(Fall Only)
Pumpkins are an important part of fall here at Apple Annie’s! Forty-acres of pumpkins are planted each summer, and by late September the fields are a spectacular sight! There are pumpkins ranging from the Jack-Be-Littles, which fit in the palm of your hand, to pumpkins that will tip the scale at over 100 pounds!
Of course, there are plenty of assorted sizes in between, as well as pumpkins with stripes, warts and various colors. Every pumpkin picker is certain for find the perfect pumpkin!
Summer Squash
We grow several varieties of summer squash in different shapes, colors and sizes. In general, select squash with a gloss to the skin and bright coloration.
Zucchini and crookneck squash should be no longer than 8″; oversized zucchini can be used for stuffing. The round, scalloped varieties should be no more than 4-5″ in diameter. Squash can be served in many ways, from salads to sides and main dishes, and even dessert, a truly versatile vegetable!
Winter Squash
(Fall Only)
Winter squash are harvested after the vines have died back. Cut them off the vines, leaving a 2″ stem. These hard-shelled squash can be stored for several months in a cool, dry room. Winter squash is delicious cut in half and baked with butter and brown sugar or baked and mashed with butter and brown sugar. Substitute cooked, mashed winter squash in pumpkin pie recipes!
Vine-ripened, field grown tomatoes are delicious. Select firm tomatoes with at least a tint of orange. They will finish ripening and color up in a few days at room temperature. Tomatoes that are dark orange-red in the field are delicious, but will need to be transported gently and enjoyed soon. For best flavor, store tomatoes at room temperature.